Premiere of the film "Manifesto of the New Womanhood"
23 Dec

Premiere of the film "Manifesto of the New Womanhood"

Posted By: Suzanne Times Read: 679

When everyone sums up the year, we want to share the joy - in the near future you will be able to watch a cool documentary featuring Suzanne Voight, founder of Suzanne Code.

The "Manifesto of the New Femininity" is a real study on the main questions of our life: what is the role of a woman in modern Russia, what and to whom do we owe (and should we), family or work, stereotypes or freedom? And, finally, the most important thing, can self-love change the world around?

Together with Susanna, 15 famous women will answer the main questions and share personal stories: they are all different, but very interesting, talented and passionate about their work.

The film will be the perfect addition to a party of friends on a long vacation or to support strength during the New Year's fuss.

To watch the movie, go to the Okko online cinema, choose the film Manifesto of the New Femininity and enjoy a worthy documentary.

And if you don't have an Okko subscription yet, here's the MANIFEST promo code, which gives you free access for 60 days upon registration.

The code starts on December 22, the day the movie is released.

Thanks to director Ksenia Zueva and Mriya Resort SPA for the idea of the film,

and to the whole team for a worthy implementation.