About the brand

What is modern luxury?

It's a privilege to be different. The opportunity to be involved in something completely new. The exclusive right to go beyond.

Suzanne Code is a universe of modern jewelry art that combines bold design solutions and modern technologies. Suzanne Code is the first high jewelery brand to use lab-grown diamonds. We reinvent the classics, masterfully using innovative approaches in each collection.

The brand's mastermind and chief designer, Susanne Voight, created the jewelry brand after falling in love with man-grown diamonds. Since then, every SC collection confirms that high jewelery has a place in everyday life, and modern technologies benefit the development of jewelry traditions.

Suzanne Code space

Suzanne Code is not just a jewelry brand, it is a space dedicated to contemporary High Jewelry.

A space that combines a boutique and a creative workshop in which the ideas of jewelry collections are born.

Here, virtuoso craftsmen begin to translate the idea into precious materials: boutique guests can see all the processes with their own eyes in a high-tech jewelry workshop.

Complex designs are tested several times during the production process, checking the convenience and comfort of fit of finished jewelry. This is how Susanne Code created the most comfortable shining cuffs and large brass knuckle rings that follow the movement of their mistress's fingers.

Under the pressure of our ideas, metal turns into malleable plasticine, carefully holding the best stones in its arms, while we embody mirror labyrinths and catch sunbeams on diamond facets.

Suzanne Code is a space where technology meets design.

What materials do we use

Suzanne Code is the first high jewelery brand to use lab grown diamonds.

Diamonds and white gold are the favorite colors in the SC jewelry palette.

If bright accents appear in it, then only from first-class stones.

The SC collection features natural colored diamonds in rare shades, emeralds, rubies and outstanding Paraiba tourmalines.

Are stones an investment for you, or are you looking for jewelry that will emphasize your style?

Share your request with SC consultants and don't worry about anything else.


Moscow, st. Rochdelskaya house 15 p. 16A


Daily 12am – 19pm


+7 963 647-55-99

+7 962 368-29-99

+7 962 369-71-11

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