How to choose the perfect diamond: the most important thing.
16 Mar

How to choose the perfect diamond: the most important thing.

Posted By: Suzanne Times Read: 2501

What makes up the price of your diamond?

Today, there is more than enough information on the Internet, but how convenient it is when you can quickly and concisely learn important facts for yourself from a huge chapter of gemology, isn't it?

Diamond pricing depends on the characteristics of the 4 Cs.

What do the 4 parameters (4 C's) mean?

This abbreviation is based on English terminology:

- "carat",

- "color",

- "clarity",

- "cut".

✍ The first thing we pay attention to is the weight.

The more carats, the higher the price. This is important and logical.

The task of cutters is to extract more carats from each rough diamond.

For example, outwardly, the difference between 0.95 carats and 1.0 carats is almost always absent.

You will feel the difference when paying.

✍ The second is color.

As soon as a yellow tint appears in colorless diamonds, the price immediately decreases per carat.

Yellow shades in colorless diamonds should not be confused with fancy yellows (Fancy)! Rare colored diamonds have a completely different value.

✍ The third is inclusions (their type, number and location).

No inclusions - rare.

A few inclusions are great.

There are inclusions - then choose them to be located in the periphery of the stone.

After the stone has been successfully set into a piece of jewelry, the inclusions will no longer manifest themselves.

All the internal life of the stone is indicated in the certificate. Pay attention to this.

✍ And the fourth is cutting!

Pay attention to the quality of the cut in the certificate.

And don't go below "Good".

The cut always decides how your diamond will look.

Believe me, it is better to buy a diamond in a smaller carat, but the cut quality should be Excellent.

Selecting the best diamonds together Suzanne Code.

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