How to Choose the Perfect Ruby: The Most Important
15 Apr

How to Choose the Perfect Ruby: The Most Important

Posted By: Suzanne Times Read: 3398

Rubies are among the most precious stones with the highest value per carat, as rubies are much rarer in nature and, on average, more expensive than diamonds.

The ruby belongs to the corundum group, just like the sapphire. Although they share the same formula, the percentages of impurities are different.

On the hardness scale, ruby is second only to diamond, which means that only diamonds can scratch the red corundum.

В рубинах вес, цвет и каратность идут практически параллельно по значимости друг к другу.

Самым важным фактором является цвет, а рубины цвета «голубиная кровь» находят в Бирме, соответственно месторождение решает.

Камни цвета «голубиная кровь» или “Vivid Red” по стоимости сравнимы со значимыми цветными бриллиантами».

In rubies, weight, color and carat are almost parallel in importance to one another.

The most important factor is color, and pigeon-blood rubies are found in Burma, so the location is crucial.

Pigeonblood or Vivid Red stones are comparable in value to significant colored diamonds.

Ruby transparency and purity.

In relation to impurities, a ruby will always have inclusions or "life within," but when purity affects the clarity of the stone, its value decreases.

Why did carat leave for dessert?

To find a ruby of good characteristics weighing 2-3 carats is very rare, and 10 carats is an almost unrealistic find that might happen once in a lifetime.

So when choosing the desired multiplicity of your ruby, be extremely careful.

The price of a stone will increase exponentially for each additional half carat.

Wishing to find a large ruby for yourself?

Be loyal to its clarity and purity if you have no desire to invest gloriously.